Long-Term Plan Children in Year 6 follow an exciting progression of lessons, that reflect all of the subjects of the National Curriculum. Home-learning will support this journey, and we will also celebrate what your child has achieved through weekly newsletters, the school website, parent groups, achievement assemblies and our Social Media Channels. Click here for more information Curriculum Enrichment The creative curriculum we teach is enriched in many different ways, including visitors into school, visits out of school, specialist teaching staff, online resources, clubs, local learning partnerships, and engagement with other schools locally. We know that curriculum enrichment enhances the Quality of Education for all our children, and also creates very real memories of their time at school. Click here for more information Golden Threads All subjects at Mayflower support the children’s awareness and understanding of the 3-Golden Threads, that are interwoven through all aspects of school life. They are as follows:
As children move through our school, they will become responsible citizens, who care deeply for the planet, and possess a range of strategies to be leaders of change. We have the strength to stand up for what is right, and know that a high-quality education will be the primary means by which social mobility can be achieved. Click here for more information |
Curriculum Journey The creative curriculum we teach is enriched in many different ways, including visitors into school, visits out of school, specialist teaching staff, online resources, clubs, local learning partnerships, and engagement with other schools locally. We know that curriculum enrichment enhances the Quality of Education for all our children, and also creates very real memories of their time at school. Click here for more information Assessment Teachers at Mayflower continually assess the children’s learning, identifying those areas where they are secure in their understanding, where they excel, and also those where more support and guidance will be required. Data is gathered on a termly basis in all subjects, and this is used to track their progress and attainment against challenge targets that have been set for them on the basis of what they achieved in Reception and Year 2. During the summer term, they will also complete the End of Key Stage 2 National Assessments (SATs) in reading, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mathematics. Writing is assessed through moderated Teacher Assessment. Our children always do well in the SATs, and this helps to give them the depth of knowledge and understanding to successfully transition to their respective secondary schools, for the beginning of Key Stage 3, Year 7. Click here for more information Learning Gallery We would love you to explore some of the learning that takes place at our school across all subjects of the National Curriculum. You will notice how engaged and happy the children look. This is because we strongly believe that children learn better when they enjoy what they are doing. This is the same for us as adults, and in large part explains why our children love coming to school and learn so well. Click here to visit our whole school Learning Gallery |