The Government will not publish KS2 school level data for 21-22 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018-2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.
In 2016 the government introduced new national curriculum tests (commonly called SATs) to reflect the revised national curriculum launched in 2014. Test results are no longer reported as levels. Scaled scores are used instead to help calculate the new progress measures for schools.
What has changed? The way the government measure primary school performance at the end of key stage 2 (KS2) has changed. Instead of measuring progress for individual pupils, the new measures look at progress at a school level. Progress measures provide parents with information to help them understand how their school is performing and to inform school choices. In order to calculate the school level progress measures, pupils’ results (at KS2) are compared to the achievements of other pupils across the country who had a similar starting point (prior attainment). Prior attainment is based on teacher assessment judgements at key stage 1 (KS1). Schools have progress measures published for 3 subjects: reading, writing and maths. There are 2 main advantages to the new progress measures:
They are fairer to schools because we can compare pupils with similar starting points to each other
They recognise the progress schools make with all their pupils, highlighting the best schools whose pupils go furthest, whatever their starting point.
Key Stage 1 - Teacher Assessment
In reading, writing and mathematics, teachers will assess children against three standards.
Working towards the expected standard
Working at the expected standard
Working at greater depth within expected standard
For science children will be assessed against one standard – working at the expected standard.
Key Stage 2 In reading, writing and maths children are assessed against one standard – working at the expected standard. In writing teacher assessment is used to judge pupil attainment. The framework contains three standards:
Working towards the expected standard
Working at the expected standard
Working at greater depth within the expected standard