Welcome to EYFS
EYFS stands for Early Years Foundation Stage. This stage covers children from 0 - 5 years, so at Mayflower these are our Nursery and Reception children.
Our EYFS is made up of three classes: The Orchard which is our Nursery Class and Chestnut Class and Willow Class which are our Reception Classes. Each child has their own class base and adults that work with them. This is where they will arrive at the beginning of the day and where they will leave from at the end of the day. The rest of the day the children have access to all the learning areas that have been set up across both class bases and in the garden. |
This is known as ‘continuous provision’ which means the children can access the classrooms and garden to lead their own learning. The teachers and teaching assistants observe and work alongside the children to enhance their learning, help develop their skills and encourage them to apply the skills we teach them in their play. We encourage all the children to access all the areas to give them confidence to develop to their full potential at school.
You will be able to see what your child has been busy doing through your child’s online journal on Tapestry. If you have not already done so, please send in your details to us so we can set up your account.
You will be able to see what your child has been busy doing through your child’s online journal on Tapestry. If you have not already done so, please send in your details to us so we can set up your account.